Grant Opportunities
R-CENTER Career Development Project Award Funding
The purpose of the R-CENTER’s Pilot Project Program is to support Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) faculty investigators in developing and implementing meritorious, short-term research projects which will generate preliminary data and new discoveries and technologies which aims to improve minority health, eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity, and advance clinical and translational sciences. Innovative health disparities investigations in basic, clinical, community and population-based science are solicited in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) which is consistent with purpose of the pilot project program and the goals and objectives of the R-CENTER in advancing clinical and translational science at MSM.
All About NIH: Grants, Strategies, Tutorials and Samples
R-CENTER Career Development Project Award Funding
The purpose of the R-CENTER’s Pilot Project Program is to support Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) faculty investigators in developing and implementing meritorious, short-term research projects which will generate preliminary data and new discoveries and technologies which aims to improve minority health, eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity, and advance clinical and translational sciences. Innovative health disparities investigations in basic, clinical, community and population-based science are solicited in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) which is consistent with purpose of the pilot project program and the goals and objectives of the R-CENTER in advancing clinical and translational science at MSM.
External Funding Opportunities and Resources
Help for Your Unfunded NIH Applications
The National Health Council just announced the availability of a database that will help link unfunded NIH applications with potential non-governmental funding sources. We all know that you have more good ideas than NIH is able to fund. That makes this a very good time for the National Health Council to roll out . This database will serve as a kind of clearinghouse for unfunded research proposals.
Funding Facts at Your Fingertips
This tool, a part of the NIH RePORT website allows you to run detailed reports of NIH funding-related data in a matter of clicks. Whether you are searching for NIH funding by various budget mechanisms, dollars awarded by specific activity codes during a particular fiscal year, or application success rates, to name but a few possibilities, this site is your gateway to the information you need. Learn about additional RePORT features and find out how to sign up for the RePORT listserv by reading the inaugural issue of the RePORT ReSource newsletter
Join the NIH Extramural Nexus listserv to receive the NIH Extramural Nexus bimonthly update from the NIH Office of Extramural Research
Helpful Funding Resources from NIH
A major objective of the NIH-RCMI Morehouse School of Medicine Research Center of Excellence in Clinical and Translational Research (RCENTER) program is to establish a vibrant and nurturing research environment that will foster the successful development of a cadre of new clinical/translational investigators. The RCENTER Career Development Project Award is intended to enable these new investigators to test an innovative hypothesis and/or generate the preliminary data necessary to become nationally competitive for extramural research grants. The design of the RCENTER Career Development Project program emphasizes strong elements for mentorship, oversight and career development planning.