Community Based Participatory Research Database
The National African American Child and Family Research Center (NAACFRC) at Morehouse School of Medicine provides national leadership & excellence in community-engaged research to better serve African American children & families. The NAACFRC develops research resources to build research capacity in the field and improve understanding of African American populations to inform HHS’ Administration for Children and Families’ policy development and programmatic responses.
As part of this effort, the NAACFRC created a database of community-engaged researchers across the country that is publicly available to facilitate collaborations. Explore this searchable database to find potential partners or connect with those doing work on topics that may be of interest to you (e.g., TANF/Economic Mobility, Early Care and Education, Fatherhood/Family Dynamics). You can sort, filter, and search by state, research topics, agency type or researcher name.
Along with your search of this database, we also encourage you to engage NAACFRC in support of your research. We provide a community pilot projects program that supports community-based organizations seeking to conduct their own research. More information can be found on our website here: https://www.naacfrc.org/community-pilot-projects-programs/
Questions about the database, edits, or additions should be emailed to info@naacfrc.org.
Our NAACFRC Staff are highlighted in Yellow.
Name | Agency Type | State | Research Topic | Phone Number | Title | Academic | Org | City | |
Dr. Cassandra Bolar, PhD | Education | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | cassandralkirk@gmail.com | (404) 641-4895 | Co-Investigator of NAACFRC | Assistant Professor | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Atlanta |
Mr. Brandin Bowden, MS | Business | Maryland | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | bbowden@healthmanagement.com | (313) 903-4794 | Senior Associate | Health Management Associates | Baltimore | |
Dr. Clinton Boyd, PhD | Non-Profit | Illinois | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | cboyd@ffhc.org | (312) 579-4198 | Executive Director | Fathers / Families / & Healthy Communities | Chicago | |
Dr. Renee Boynton-Jarrett, MD ScD | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Research | Massachusetts | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | renee.boyntonjarrett@bmc.org | (617) 414-7477 | Associate Professor | Boston Medical Center Vital Village Networks | Boston | |
Ms. Gail Brooks, | Business | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | gail@theblkcross.co | (718) 450-4420 | CEO | The BLK+Cross | Atlanta | |
Dr. Alexander Camardelle, PhD | Education / Government / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | alexcamardelle@gmail.com | (678) 373-9749 | Co-Investigator of NAACFRC | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Atlanta | |
Mrs. Leatha Chun, MPH | Government | Virginia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | gchun2010@comcast.net | (301) 806-2900 | Administration for Children and Families / US Department of Health and Human Services | Fredericksburg | ||
Mr. Andrew Cooper, MA | Research | Georgia | Poverty Alleviation / TANF | ancooper@msm.edu | (404) 934-4368 | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | |
Dr. Qiana Cryer-Coupet, PhD MSW | Education / Research | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | qcryercoupet@gsu.edu | Associate Professor | School of Social Work / Georgia State University | Atlanta | ||
Mrs. Janina Daniels-Gilmore, MHSA | Non-Profit | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | jdaniels@cbww.org | (404) 688-9202 x118 | Center for Black Women’s Wellness | Atlanta | ||
Mr. Edward Davies, | Non-Profit | Maryland | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | edavies@childrenshomeandaid.org | (773) 484-6766 | Director / Family & Community Engagement | Children's Home & Aid | Owings Mills | |
Dr. Tonia Durden, PhD | Education | Georgia | Early Education and Care | tdurden@gsu.edu | (404) 413-8214 | Birth-Five Program Coordinator | Clinical Associate Professor | Georgia State University | Atlanta |
Ms. Kaela Farrise, MA | Education | California | Policy / Poverty Alleviation / Research / TANF | kaela.farrise@gmail.com | (510) 499-1298 | Stanford University | Berkeley | ||
Ms. Julie / Sokoya Finch, | Community / Education / Non-Profit | Florida | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | julie.finch@famu.edu | (850) 212-4520 | Program Coordinator | Program Coordinator | Florida A & M University / College of Pharmarcy & Phamceutical Sciences. Institute of Pubic Health / organization- The Florida Family Network | Tallahassee |
Mr. Charles Flowers, PhD(c) | Education / Research | Tennessee | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | cflower1@vols.utk.edu | (615) 255-6653 | Dept. of Child and Family studies at University of Tennessee / Knoxville | Graduate Research Assistant | University Of Tennessee / Knoxville | Knoxville |
Mr. Mark Gaskins, | Community / Non-Profit | California | Policy / Research | mark@thevillagemethod.org | (510) 470-1721 | The Village Method | Union City | ||
Ms. Tiara Giddings, | Research | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | tgiddings@msm.edu | (404) 752-1901 | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | ||
Mrs. Danette Glass, | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | first.team.usa@gmail.com | (678) 613-7716 | Senior Strategist / Chief Operating Officer | The Center for Family and Community Wellness Inc | Johns Creek | |
Ms. Lydia Gray-Holifield, | Non-Profit | Oregon | Early Education and Care / Policy | lgray-holifield@impactnw.org | (541) 212-2436 | DEI Director | Impact NW | Portland | |
Ms. Calonie Gray, PhD | Government | District of Columbia | Research / Policy | calonie.gray@acf.hhs.gov | (202) 565-0205 | ACF / Office of Planning / Research / and Evaluation | Washington | ||
Dr. Bantu Gross, PhD | Non-Profit | Louisiana | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | bantu@compassionoutreachoa.org | (504) 940-8249 | Compassion Outreach of America | New Orleans | ||
Ms. Joyce Hall, MPH | Non-Profit | New York | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / TANF / Poverty Alleviation | joyce@asphn.org | (917) 544-0469 | Health Equity Consultant / Coordinator | Association of State Public Health Nutritionists | Buchanan | |
Ms. Tresaca Hamilton, | Business | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | tresaca@thesidcenter.com | (770) 750-4234 | The Sid Center | Atlanta | ||
Dr. Kirk Harris, MPA JD PhD | Community / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Illinois | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / TANF / Poverty Alleviation / Policy | drkeharris@pactlawcntr.org | (708) 955-3015 | Parent & Community Technology and Law Center University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Founder / President & CEO Professor of Urban Planning | Parent and Community Technology and Law Center | Hazel Crest |
Prof. Tabia Henry Akintobi, PhD MPH | Education | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | takintobi@msm.edu | (404) 752-1144 | Professor and Chair / Community Health and Preventive Medicine Associate Dean / Community Engagement Principal Investigator / Prevention Research Center | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | |
Dr. Peggy Hicks, | Non-Profit | Illinois | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | psuehicks@sbcglobal.net | (630) 291-7681 | President / CEO | Community Psychology | Hicks-Wright Community Organization | Aurora |
Mr. David Hirsch, | Non-Profit | Illinois | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | david@21stcenturydads.org | (847) 421-3402 | 21st Century Dads Foundation | Barrrington | ||
Ms. Kelley Hollie, LMSW | Education | Arizona | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | kelleyrhollie@gmail.com | (623) 980-0445 | Chair of Education & Training Committee / Black Female Fatherhood Scholarship Network | Faculty Associate | Arizona State Univeristy | Phoenix |
Mr. Michael Holmes, MA | Business | Illinois | Policy | holmes4300@sbcglobal.net | (708) 501-0555 | President / Executive Director | MD&PARTNERS INC / Black Community Provider Network | Country Club Hills | |
Dr. Philip Hong, PhD LCSW | Education / Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / TANF / Poverty Alleviation / Policy | pyphong@uga.edu | (706) 542-5424 | Dean / School of Social Work | Professor / School of Social Work | University of Georgia | Athens |
Dr. Iheoma Iruka, PhD | Education / Research | North Carolina | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | iruka@unc.edu | (919) 962-2788 | Faculty Fellow | Research Professor / Public Policy Senior Fellow / Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Founding Director / Equity Research Action Coalition at FPG | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill |
Dr. Azaliah Israel, PhD | Policy / Research | Oklahoma | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | azaliah.israel@gmail.com | (405) 885-5512 | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Yukon | ||
Dr. Dia Jackson, EdD | Non-Profit / Research | District of Columbia | Early Education and Care | djackson@air.org | (202) 403-6016 | Special Education Researcher | Senior Researcher | American Institutes for Research | Washington |
Dr. William Jackson, PhD | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Research | North Carolina | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / Research / TANF / Poverty Alleviation | wpjackson@villageofwisdom.org | (678) 232-8657 | Executive Director | Village of Wisdom | Durham | |
Mr. Robert Johnson, | Non-Profit | Georgia | Research | rjoh7452901948@gmail.com | (404) 408-4146 | CEO | Fathers in Education Inc | Atlanta | |
Ms. Adrienne Jones, | Education | North Carolina | Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | acj13@duke.edu | (919) 444-1259 | PhD(c) / Sanford School of Public Policy | Duke University | Durham | |
Mrs. Alexis Jones, | Non-Profit | South Carolina | Research | aljones@scfirststeps.org | (803) 451-1914 | Evaluation Coordinator | South Carolina First Steps | Columbia | |
Dr. Chizara Jones, PhD | Education | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | chizarajones@clayton.edu | (678) 466-4731 | Clayton State University | Morrow | ||
Dr. Joyce Lee, PhD MSW | Business | Ohio | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | lee.10148@osu.edu | (908) 208-3944 | The Ohio State University | Columbus | ||
Mr. Khalifa Lee, BA | Community / Government | Georgia | Clean Energy and Utilities / Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Nutrition and Food Access / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | khalifaslee@gmail.com | (404) 643-9202 | Vice Chair of Public Service / City of Atlanta NPU - H Adamsville West Atlanta | STEAM Teacher / Omni International Academy | City of Atlanta / Neighborhood Planning Unit - H Adamsville West Atlanta | Atlanta |
Dr. Chrishana Lloyd, PhD LICSW | Non-Profit | Maryland | Early Education and Care / Policy | clloyd@childtrends.org | (703) 598-2460 | Senior Research Scientist | Senior Research Scientist / Child Trends / Early Childhood Development | Child Trends | Bethesda |
Ms. Deja Logan, | Non-Profit / Research | Maryland | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | dlogan@childtrends.org | (301) 537-6684 | Research Analyst | Child Trends | Upper Marlboro | |
Mr. Jude Louissaint, | Community / Non-Profit / Research | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | jlouissaint@msm.edu | (786) 326-3631 | Research Assistant / Community Health Worker | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Dr. Rufus Lynch, DSW | Non-Profit | Pennsylvania | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | drrslynchtsfc@iawfpa.com | (215) 879-1745 | The Strong Families Commission / Incorporated | Philadelphia | ||
Mrs. Tiana Massaquoi, | Community | Maryland | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | themalkiacompany@gmail.com | (240) 440-1840 | Founder | The Malkia Company | Frederick | |
Dr. Suzanne Mayo, PhD | Education | Louisiana | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Separation of Families and Mental Illness / Stress / Trauma | theussu@gram.edu | (318) 278-9622 | Lecturer / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences | Lecturer II / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences | Grambling State University | Grambling |
Dr. Brian McGregor, PhD | Education | Georgia | Mental Health | bmcgregor@msm.edu | (404) 752-1704 | Co-Investigator of NAACFRC | Evaluator / Community Health & Preventive Medicine / Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor / Psychiatry & Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Mrs. Angela Mixon, DrPh | Education / Research | Georgia | Policy | angelaearls19@gmail.com | (678) 249-8545 | Capella University | Lilburn | ||
Mr. Aaron Neal, MS PhD(c) | Research | Michigan | Early Education and Care / Policy | aaronjn@umich.edu | (678) 350-3941 | Graduate student | Psychology | University of Michigan | Ypsilanti |
Ms. Gabrielle Newell, | Government | District of Columbia | Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | gabrielle.newell@acf.hhs.gov | (202) 205-8553 | ACF / Office of Planning / Research / and Evaluation | Washington | ||
Ms. Gabriela Nunes, BA | Community | Florida | Early Education and Care / Policy | gmalufnunes2018@fau.edu | (561) 707-6386 | Graduate student | Florida Atlantic University / Center for Autism and Related Disabilities | Boynton Beach | |
Dr. Martha Okafor, PhD | Government | District of Columbia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | marthaokafor@sbcglobal.net | (706) 429-7368 | Senior Advisor / Office of Early Childhood / Immediate Office of Assistant Secretary / Administration for Children & Families. | Department of Health & Human Services | Washington | |
Dr. Steven Owens, MD MPH MA | Non-Profit | District of Columbia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | steve@asphn.org | (814) 255-2829 | Association of State Public Health Nutritionists | Washington | ||
Dr. Jennifer Park, PhD | Non-Profit | District of Columbia | Early Education and Care / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | jenniferjpark@ymail.com | (202) 679-3501 | Early Childhood Solutions | Washington | ||
Mr. Kermit Payne, | Business | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | kpayne@the1jg.com | (404) 559-6191 | President | 1Joshua Group LLC | Atlanta | |
Dr. Jessica Pearson, PhD | Research | Colorado | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | jspearson@centerforpolicyresearch.org | (303) 837-1555 | Driector | Center for Policy Research | Denver | |
Dr. Stewart Perrilliat, DM MA BA AA / AS | Non-Profit | California | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | man2man@man2man-uya.org | (408) 750-4334 | Executive Director | Man 2 Man Urban Youth Advocate | Santa Rosa | |
Dr. Nina Philipsen, PhD | Government | District of Columbia | Early Education and Care / Policy | nina.philipsen@acf.hhs.gov | (202) 205-8115 | Social Science Research Analyst | ACF / Office of Planning / Research / and Evaluation | Washington | |
Mr. Caleb Platel, | Non-Profit | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | calebblessone@gmail.com | (470) 909-8998 | Founder of FathersDoCare Movement | FATHERS Do Care Int. Inc | Atlanta | |
Mr. Elijah Richardson, | Education / Policy / Research | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Poverty Alleviation / Policy / TANF | elrichardson@msm.edu | (567) 686-6620 | Research Assistant II / Data Analyst | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Dr. Kristie Roberts-Lewis, | Education | Georgia | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / Policy / TANF / Poverty Alleviation | Kristie.Roberts-lewis@uncf.org | (404) 480-4507 | Senior Program Manager | Institute of Capacity Building | United Negro College Fund | Atlanta |
Dr. Latrice Rollins, PhD MSW | Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics/Policy | lrollins@msm.edu | (404) 752-1187 | Director of National African American Child and Family Research Center | Assistant Professor/ Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Ms. Sharmistha Roy, MPH | Non-Profit | New Jersey | Early Education and Care | sharmi@nmsu.edu | (575) 496-3689 | Association of State Public Health Nutritionists | Harrison | ||
Ms. Amber Sansbury, | Education / Policy / Research | Virginia | Early Education and Care / Policy | asansbu2@gmu.edu | (202) 779-3864 | PhD(c) & RISER Network Fellow | George Mason University | Fairfax | |
Mr. Stanley Sellers, BA | Non-Profit | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | ssellers06@gmail.com | (404) 550-9621 | Program Coordinator Communities In Schools of Atlanta | Communities In Schools of Atlanta | Atlanta | |
Dr. Adeola Sonaike, PhD | Business | New Jersey | Policy | thepopuplabs@gmail.com | (908) 392-7337 | The Pop Up Labs | Belle Mead | ||
Ms. Brooke Staley, MPH CPH | Research | North Carolina | Research | bstaley@live.unc.edu | (510) 290-4387 | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Carrboro | ||
Dr. Patricia Sullivan, MA EdD | Community / Non-Profit | California | Black Mothers / Early Education and Care | fccasf@gmail.com | (415) 661-6124 | Director Family Child Care Association of San Francisco | Adjuct Professor / SFSU & CCSF | Family Child Care Association of San Francisco | San Francisco |
Dr. Amy Susman-Stillman, PhD | Non-Profit | Minnesota | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | asusmanstillman@the-naz.org | (612) 817-3583 | Director of Evaluation | Research Associate | Northside Achievement Zone | Minneapolis |
Ms. Erin Tebben, MSEd | Education / Research | Ohio | Early Education and Care | tebben.18@osu.edu | (614) 598-1882 | Senior research associate / Department of Human Sciences PhD candidate / College of Social Work | The Ohio State University | Columbus | |
Dr. Mark Trahan, PhD | Education | Texas | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | mht18@txstate.edu | (512) 429-4983 | Associate Professor | Texas State University | San Marcos | |
Dr. Pamala Trivedi, PhD | Education | District of Columbia | Fatherhood / Family Dynamics / Policy / Early Education and Care | pat33@georgetown.edu | (206) 802-8176 | Team Lead / Infant and Early Childhood Transformation Team / National Center for Child / Youth & Family Mental Health | Associate Professor of Pediatrics | Georgetown University Center for Child & Family Development | Washington |
Dr. Rosa Valdes, PhD | Non-Profit | California | Early Education and Care | rvaldes@child360.org | (562) 754-8878 | Director of Research & Evaluation | Child360 | Whittier | |
Mr. Cortney VanHook, PhD(c) MSW MS MPH | Education | Pennsylvania | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | cortney.vanhook@pitt.edu | (404) 287-4178 | University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work | Pittsburgh | ||
Dr. Arthur Vaughn, EdD | Non-Profit | Georgia | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Policy | dr.arthurvaughn06@gmail.com | (404) 660-0054 | Health & Wellness Chair | 100 Black Men of North Metro Atlanta | Roswell | |
Mr. Otis Ward, | Non-Profit | California | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Mental Wellness / Policy / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | oward@familypaths.org | (510) 875-8149 | Family Paths | Oakland | ||
Dr. Rodney Washington, EdD | Education / Research | Mississippi | Early Education and Care | rw19148@gmail.com | (601) 572-4025 | Co-Investigator of NAACFRC | National African American Child and Family Research Center | Consulting Plus LLC | Madison |
Mr. Hershell West, | Research | Arkansas | Early Education and Care / Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | hdwest@uams.edu | (479) 713-8662 | Research Program Director | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences-NW | Springdale | |
Mr. Altarik White, | Non-Profit | New Jersey | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood / Poverty Alleviation / TANF | awhite@leaders4lifenj.org | (973) 855-4950 | CEO | Leaders for Life Inc | Newark | |
Ms. Rachel Wildfeuer, | Policy / Research | Colorado | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | rwildfeuer@centerforpolicyresearch.org | (610) 716-3245 | Center for Policy Research | Denver | ||
Dr. Fengxia Yan, MD | Education | Georgia | Research | fyan@msm.edu | (770) 274-9321 | NAACFRC | Associate Professor in Biostatistics at Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Snellville |
Dr. Susan Yoon, | Education / Non-Profit / Research | Ohio | Family Dynamics / Fatherhood | yoon.538@osu.edu | (216) 906-4996 | OSU College of Social Work | Columbus | ||
Ms. Nancy Adane, | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Kentucky | Health | nadane1@jh.edu | (502) 382-8558 | Research Assistant | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore | |
Dr. Ernest Alema-Mensah, PhD, DMin | Education | Georgia | Health | eamensah@msm.edu | (404) 752-1623 | Associate Professor | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | |
Dr. Kim Alleyne, EdD | Non-Profit | Massachusetts | Early Education and Care | kim.alleyne@childrens.harvard.edu | (857) 218-4339 | Director, Community Partnerships | Brazelton Touchpoints Center | Boston | |
Dr. Tasha Alston, PhD | Education / Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health | tla42@pitt.edu | (770) 376-8402 | Director of DEI | Assistant Professor | University of Pittsburgh | Conyers |
Dr. Quantrilla Ard, MPH | Business / Community / Research | Georgia | Health / Justice-Involved Populations | quantrillaard@gmail.com | (301) 661-8440 | CEO, The QDL Group, LLC | Adjunct Faculty, Public Health Program | The QDL Group, LLC | Fairburn |
Mr. Sundjata Aya, MPH | Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | sundjata.aya@mefassociates.com | (404) 931-6686 | Research Associate 2 | MEF Associates | Decatur | |
Mr. Bevan Baker, FACHE | Non-Profit | New York | Fatherhood / Health | bevankbaker@gmail.com | (414) 708-2959 | Senior Research Advisor | Assistant Clinical Professor UWM Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health | Brooklyn Perinatal Network, Inc. | Brooklyn |
Dr. Chuck Barlow, PhD, DOD, Chaplain | Business / Community / Education / Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | info@iamsossi.org | (678) 820-9711 | Executive Director | SOSSI- Saving Our Sons & Sisters International | Atlanta | |
Dr. Rosanna Barrett, DrPH | Education | Georgia | Health | robarrett@msm.edu | (404) 752-1645 | Center Director | Researcher | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Ms. Destiny Bell, AS | Business | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | dbell27@student.gsu.edu | (470) 426-9409 | Georgia State University | Atlanta | ||
Ms. Sherry Bellille, | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | sherrybellille@gmail.com | (470) 371-3691 | Official Parent Avengers | Atlanta | ||
Dr. Lisa Belliston, PhD | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care | lisa.belliston@qccga.org | (404) 479-4260 | Senior Director, Research, Evaluation & Program Impact | Quality Care for Children | Atlanta | |
Ms. Leia Belt, MA | Research | California | Health | leia.d.belt@gmail.com | (310) 988-8334 | Medical Sociology PhD Candidate | University of Iowa | Bakersfield | |
Ms. Terri-Nichelle Bradley, | Business | Georgia | Early Education and Care | terri@browntoybox.com | (404) 748-4334 | CEO | Brown Toy Box | Atlanta | |
Dr. Amanda Brown, PhD | Non-Profit | Illinois | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood | ambrown@childrenshomeandaid.org | (847) 372-5228 | Director of Research | Bright Point | Chicago | |
Dr. Deon Brown, | Education / Research | Texas | Fatherhood | browndw2@tamu.edu | (804) 615-7910 | Texas A&M University | College Station | ||
Ms. Nadiyah Bunzy, | Community / Education / Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health | nbunzy@msm.edu | (502) 416-2923 | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | ||
Dr. Shakiera Causey, PhD, MA | Non-Profit | Louisiana | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | scausey@nnphi.org | (804) 943-9417 | Principal Research Scientist, Research and Evaluation, NNPHI | Contributing Faculty, College of Health Sciences and Public Policy, Walden University | National Network of Public Health Institutes | New Orleans |
Ms. Florence Champagne, MSW | Foundation / Non-Profit / Research | Maryland | Health | florencedchampagne@gmail.com | (240) 715-8703 | CEO | Open My Heart Foundatio | Upper Marlboro | |
Dr. Rasheeta Chandler, PhD | Research | Georgia | Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | r.d.chandler@emory.edu | (678) 834-2024 | Emory University | Stone Mountain | ||
Mr. Thomas Cotton, | Community / Non-Profit | Nevada | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | tcotton@redeem-advance.org | (770) 885-0373 | Redemption & Advancement Alliance, Inc. | Las Vegas | ||
Ms. LaCresha Cunningham, LCSW | Business / Education / Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Health | creecunni@gmail.com | (312) 927-6484 | BSW Teacher's Assistant / Doctoral Student School of Social Work | Clark Atlanta University | Lithia Springs | |
Dr. Kimberly Davis, PhD | Education | Georgia | Health | kedavis@msm.edu | (404) 756-5753 | Associate Deputy Director, Prevention Research Center | Morehouse School of Medicine | East Point | |
Mr. Larry Davis, MPH, MSW | Education / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Illinois | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood / Health | ldavis17@luc.edu | (414) 837-0026 | Navigator Case Manager - Thriving Fathers & Families (Bright Point) | Adjunct Professor (Social Work) | Bright Point (Formerly- Children's Home & Aid) | Chicago |
Dr. Shadonna Davis, PhD | Education | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | sdavis@shadonnadavis.com | (770) 789-5063 | Assistant Professor | School of Social Work | Clark Atlanta University | Atlanta |
Ms. Desha Elliott, MS | Education | Georgia | Economic Mobility / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / TANF | desha.elliott@students.cau.edu | (513) 473-8107 | Student, School of Social Work | Clark Atlanta University | Atlanta | |
Dr. Kerry-Ann Escayg, PhD | Government | Nebraska | Early Education and Care | kescayg@unomaha.edu | (402) 305-2389 | Associate Professor | University of Nebraska Omaha | Omaha | |
Ms. Lauren Garcia, MPH | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Research | Nebraska | Health | lauregarcia@unmc.edu | (402) 707-6172 | Public Health Project Coordinator | CityMatCH | Omaha | |
Ms. Gina Green-Harris, MBA | Education / Government / Research | Wisconsin | Health / Rural Populations | greenharris@wisc.edu | (614) 353-4852 | Director, Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships, School of Medicine and Public Health | Director, Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships Center for Health Disparities Research( CHDR) Partnerships, School of Medicine and Public Health | University of Wisconsin Madison | Milwaukee |
Mr. Derrick Green, MEd | Education / Non-Profit / Research | Georgia | Health | dergreen@msm.edu | (404) 324-9841 | Program Manager - CHOICE Neighborhoods | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Mr. Mark Greer, MBA, CAP | Business / Community | Michigan | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | mlgreer91@gmail.com | (313) 231-0284 | Lift As We Climb Impact Advising | Northville | ||
Ms. Madison Haiman, MSW | Research | Texas | Health | mdsmith@msm.edu | (623) 521-0947 | Center for Maternal Health Equity at Morehouse School of Medicine | Austin | ||
Dr. Leah Hamilton, MSW, PhD | Education | North Carolina | Economic Mobility / TANF | hamiltonl@appstate.edu | (303) 523-7362 | Associate Professor, Social Work | Appalachian State University | Boone | |
Dr. Dale Hardy, PhD | Research | Georgia | Health | dhardy@msm.edu | (404) 756-1346 | Associate Professor | Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Ms. Erin Harris, BA | Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | eharris@msm.edu | (678) 937-3696 | Research Assistant | Center for Maternal Health Equity | Decatur | |
Dr. Kelly Harris, PhD | Education / Research | Missouri | Early Education and Care / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | kmharris@wustl.edu | (314) 574-4430 | Assistant ProfessorProgram in Occupational TherapyDepartment of Surgery (Public Health Sciences) | Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine | St. Louis | |
Ms. Becca Heilman, BA | Research | Massachusetts | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / TANF | becca.heilman@mefassociates.com | (919) 260-9094 | MEF Associates | Somerville | ||
Dr. Sarah Henes, PhD, RDN, LD | Research | Georgia | Health | sarah.henes@uga.edu | (706) 542-0541 | State Coordinator, University of Georgia Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (UGA EFNEP), UGA Extension | Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences | University of Georgia | Athens |
Ms. Adrienne Hines, MDP | Business | Georgia | Health / Justice-Involved Populations | hines.adri@gmail.com | (484) 478-4071 | SageD Consulting | Atlanta | ||
Dr. Jammie Hopkins, DrPH, MS, MSCR | Education | Georgia | Health | jhopkins@msm.edu | (310) 993-7894 | Assistant Professor, Community Health & Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | |
Prof. June Hopps, PhD | Education | Georgia | Economic Mobility / Justice-Involved Populations / TANF | hoppsbjg@aol.com | (770) 640-6985 | Parham Professor | School of Social Work | The University of Georgia | Roswell |
Ms. Imani Hutchinson, MSW | Research | District of Columbia | Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / TANF | imani.hutchinson@mefassociates.com | (205) 422-0860 | Research Analyst | MEF Associates | Washington | |
Ms. Fowzio Jama, MPH | Community | Georgia | Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | fowzio.jama@hmhbga.org | (470) 430-5325 | Research Manager | Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia | Atlanta | |
Mr. Sterling Johnson, MPA | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | sjohnson@psequity.org | (678) 841-0290 | Director, Just Opportunity Portfolio | Partnership for Southern Equity | Atlanta | |
Mrs. Lexi Jones, MS | Government / Non-Profit | South Carolina | Early Education and Care | aljones@scfirststeps.org | (803) 451-1914 | Evaluation Coordinator | South Carolina First Steps | Columbia | |
Ms. Pooja Kanyadan, | Research | Georgia | Health / Justice-Involved Populations | pjkb2015@gmail.com | (470) 385-9011 | Intern, Center for Maternal Health Equity | Morehouse School of Medicine | Marietta | |
Ms. Lesley Kelley, MPP | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Justice-Involved Populations | lkelley@georgiavoices.org | (470) 601-7713 | Senior Policy Analyst | Voices for Georgia's Children | Atlanta | |
Dr. Vinodini Kumaravelu, MBBS, MPH | Non-Profit | New York | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | vinusri.sharavi@gmail.com | (917) 832-5730 | Associate Director of Research | Research and Evaluation | START Treatment & Recovery Centers, Inc. | New York |
Dr. W. Mary Langley, PhD, MPH, RN, ICPS | Education / Non-Profit / Research | Georgia | Rural Populations | mlangley@msm.edu | (404) 752-1503 | Director | Professor | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Dr. Tennille Leak-Johnson, PhD, MS | Community / Education / Research | Georgia | Health | tleakjohnson@msm.edu | (404) 756-5225 | Assistant Professor | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta | |
Dr. Terri Lewinson, PhD, MSW | Research | New Hampshire | Health | terri.d.lewinson@dartmouth.edu | (770) 851-1671 | Associate Professor | Dartmouth University | Lebanon | |
Dr. Dara Lewis, PhD | Non-Profit | Maryland | Fatherhood / Justice-Involved Populations | dara.lewis@mdrc.org | (217) 553-1358 | Senior Research Associate | MDRC | Owings Mills | |
Mr. Terrance Lewis, MEd | Education | Alabama | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood | tjl0049@auburn.edu | (762) 208-8458 | Presidential Research Fellow and Graduate Assistant (GA) | Auburn University | Auburn | |
Dr. Derrick Lloyd, PhD | Education | Georgia | Fatherhood / Justice-Involved Populations | d.leon.lloyd@gmail.com | (404) 956-0123 | Educator, Atlanta Public Schools | Atlanta Public Schools | Atlanta | |
Ms. Jenee Love, PhD | Education / Research | California | Early Education and Care | jlove@ucsd.edu | (901) 289-4626 | University of California San Diego | La Jolla | ||
Dr. Summer Luckey, PhD | Business / Community / Education / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Ohio | Early Education and Care / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | luckey.21@osu.edu | (234) 855-2474 | Research Senior Associate | The Ohio State University | Columbus | |
Ms. DeMicha Luster, MPH, BSPH, CHES | Business / Community / Foundation / Research | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Justice-Involved Populations | demicha@theurbanadvocate.org | (404) 808-8173 | The Urban Advocate | Atlanta | ||
Mrs. Theresa McCormick-Dunlap, MSW, LCSW | Business / Community / Research | North Carolina | Health / Justice-Involved Populations | theresa@wilhelmenaagency.com | (704) 891-5694 | The Wilhelmena Agency, PLLC | Charlotte | ||
Mr. Michael McRae, PhD | Business / Community / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | New York | Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | mmcrae@startny.org | (718) 260-2983 | Chief Programs and Strategy Officer | START Treatment & Recovery Centers, Inc. | Brooklyn | |
Ms. Paris Mebane, | Community / Education / Government / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | South Carolina | Health / Rural Populations | psmeban@clemson.edu | (843) 356-6937 | Maternal and Infant Health Coordinator | Clemson University | Kingstree | |
Dr. Vanessa Mejia, PhD, MPH,CLC | Business / Non-Profit / Research | New York | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood / Health | mejiavanessa102@gmail.com | (516) 824-2645 | Research and Evaluation Manager | Right Moves For Youth | Corona | |
Mr. Malakai Miller, MPH | Education | Tennessee | Health | malakaimiller1@gmail.com | (908) 768-6809 | Meharry Medical College | Nashville | ||
Ms. Janet Thompson, LCSW, MS | Community | New York | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | johare@bpnetwork.org | (914) 837-7553 | Clinical Supervisor | Brooklyn Perinatal Network, Inc. | Larchmont | |
Mr. Okorafor Okorafor, MA, MPH | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | New York | Health / Rural Populations | okorafor4147@gmail.com | (973) 458-3380 | Walden University | Brooklyn | ||
Mrs. Leatha Perez-Chun, DrPH(c) | Education | Virginia | Early Education and Care / Health | leathachun@gmail.com | (301) 806-2900 | UIC | Lancaster | ||
Ms. Ronisha Preckwinkle, | Research | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | rpreckwinkle@msm.edu | (773) 396-8094 | Morehouse Center for Maternal Health Equity | Villa Rica | ||
Dr. Suzanne Randolph Cunningham, PhD | Research | Maryland | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | srandolph@mayatech.com | (301) 587-1600 | Chief Science Officer | Associate Professor Emerita, Family Science / Public Health | The MayaTech Corporation / Univ of Maryland | Silver Spring |
Ms. Adzoa Reese, AA | Community / Education | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Health / TANF | queenreese02@yahoo.com | (404) 437-5555 | Early Education Educater | Atlanta | ||
Ms. Shirleta Reid, | Research | Georgia | Health / Rural Populations | shirletar@yahoo.com | (305) 244-5018 | Emory University | McDonough | ||
Dr. Boris Ricks, PhD | Education | California | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | boris.ricks@csun.edu | (818) 677-5113 | Faculty | Associate Professor, Political Science | CSUN | Northridge |
Dr. Desiree Rivers, PhD | Education | Georgia | Health | drivers@msm.edu | (404) 752-1619 | Director, Undergraduate Medical Education, Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Associate Professor, Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Morehouse School of Medicine | Atlanta |
Dr. Moushumi Roy, PhD | Education | Virginia | Economic Mobility / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | royshumi10@gmail.com | (517) 599-8273 | Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology | Hampton University | Newport News | |
Ms. Rebecca Schwartz, MPP | Non-Profit / Policy / Research | New York | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / TANF | rebecca.schwartz@mdrc.org | (212) 340-8833 | MDRC | New York | ||
Ms. Madison Scott, JD | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Economic Mobility / Health / TANF | madison.scott@hmhbga.org | (404) 386-1855 | HMHBGA | Atlanta | ||
Ms. Shantelle Scott, MPH, CHES | Education / Research | Georgia | Health / Rural Populations | sascott@msm.edu | (231) 638-7885 | Morehouse School of Medicine / Prevention Research Center | Atlanta | ||
Dr. LaShorage Shaffer, PhD | Education | Michigan | Early Education and Care | lshaffe@umich.edu | (217) 202-7400 | Associate Professor | University of Michigan-Dearborn | Dearborn | |
Prof. Jeffrey Shears, PhD | Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health | jeffrey.shears@outlook.com | (970) 988-2130 | Co-Chair | Moynihan Institute for Fatherhood Research and Policy | Dunwoody | |
Dr. Nina Smith, PhD | Education | North Carolina | Early Education and Care / Rural Populations | nsmith42@nccu.edu | (404) 944-3316 | Associate Dean, College of Health and Sciences | National African American Child and Family Research Center | North Carolina Central University | Mebane |
Mrs. Simone Smith, LMSW, NPM | Education | Georgia | Health | simone.smith@students.cau.edu | (404) 645-0719 | Student, School of Social Work | Clark Atlanta University | Atlanta | |
Dr. Maisha Standifer, PhD, MPH | Education | Georgia | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | mstandifer@msm.edu | (813) 210-1250 | Director | Assistant Professor | MSM, SHLI | Atlanta |
Mrs. LaChanda Stephens-Totimeh, BA | Non-Profit | Oklahoma | Early Education and Care / Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | lachanda-totimeh@ouhsc.edu | (405) 317-4021 | Community Outreach Manager, Pediatrics | University of Oklahoma Health Sciences | Oklahoma City | |
Ms. Destiny Stokes, | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care / Health / Rural Populations | destiny.stokes@hmhbga.org | (470) 373-1877 | Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia | Atlanta | ||
Mr. Romuald Tassigne, | Non-Profit / Research | Virginia | Economic Mobility / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations / TANF | rtassigne@aphsa.org | (202) 380-8974 | American Public Human Services Association | Arlington | ||
Dr. Lorraine Taylor, PhD | Education | North Carolina | Health / Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | lorraine.taylor@nccu.edu | (919) 257-1704 | Executive Director, Juvenile Justice Institute | North Carolina Central University | Cary | |
Dr. Nicole Taylor, PhD | Community / Education / Policy / Research | Maryland | Early Education and Care | ntelfer@unc.edu | (347) 370-2214 | Postdoc | UNC Chapel Hill Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute | UNC Chapel Hill | Baltimore |
Mr. Ira Thompson, | Business / Community / Education | Georgia | Justice-Involved Populations / Rural Populations | ithompsonjr@yahoo.com | (229) 364-5732 | CEO / President | INT Enterprise, LLC | Leesburg | |
Ms. Castalia Thorne, | Research | Georgia | Health / Rural Populations | castalia.a.thorne@emory.edu | (678) 551-3655 | Clinical Research Coordinator | OB / GYN | Emory University School of Medicine | Powder Springs |
Mrs. Chlece Walker-Neal-Murray, BA, MSW, MS, JD | Community / Education / Non-Profit / Policy / Research | Illinois | Fatherhood / Health / Justice-Involved Populations | cwalke35@uic.edu | (917) 280-3078 | Chicago Advocate Legal, NFP | Chicago | ||
Ms. Laura White, MSEd | Non-Profit | Georgia | Early Education and Care | laura.white@qccga.org | (678) 973-7887 | Director of Early Education and Care - Central West Region | Quality Care for Children | Atlanta |
This project was supported by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) of the United States (U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award (Grant #:90PH0031) totaling $1.8 million with 100 percent funded by ACF/HHS/OPRE. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by OPRE/ACF/HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit the ACF website, Administrative and National Policy Requirements.