Community Physicians' Network
The Community Physicians’ Network (CPN) is a practice-based research network (PBRN) recognized by the United States Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The network is a critical program within the Clinical Research Center at Morehouse School of Medicine.
Recognized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) as a best practice.
Three Ways to Join CPN:
- Call Debra Teague, Program Manager (404) 756-5051
- Complete CPN Registration Documentation
- Register at a Live CME Symposium
Our goal is to eliminate health disparities through excellence in quality healthcare. Our research areas of interest include:
- Diabetes/Endocrine Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disease/Stroke
- Dermatological Diseases
- Hypertension
- Cancer
- Obesity
- Sleep Disorders
- Women’s Health
- Child and Adolescent Health
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
- Arthritis
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Asthma
- Neurological Condition
We Provide the Following Services:
Electronic data standards for quality reporting
Reporting Real-time disease specific registries to support quality reporting
Access to innovative patient-centered technologies for health, wellness, and chronic disease management
Educational workshops, expert roundtables and continuing medical education (CME)
Benefits of Membership:
Membership Benefit of Georgia State Medical Association (GSMA) and Atlanta Medical Association (AMA)
Membership benefit of the MSM National Alumni Network
Continued Medical Education (CME)
Training and Participation in Clinical Trials
Patient Cantered Health and Wellness initiatives
Quality Reporting for Improved Reimbursement
Funding Opportunities in Research
Click on the research below that most interest you for more details.
Join Today!
Membership in the Community Physicians’ Network (CPN) is free.
For more information and how to join, please contact Program Manager, 404-756-5051 |
Community Physicians' Network Team
Priscilla E. Pemu MD, MSCR, FACP
Professor and Vice-Chair (Research) Department of Medicine, Associate Dean Clinical Research, Director Clinical Research Center