National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)
A Randomized Controlled Study to Test the Effectiveness of Developmental Network Coaching in the Career Advancement of Diverse Early-Stage Investigators
This randomized controlled study will determine the effectiveness of Developmental Network Coaching in the career advancement of diverse early-stage investigators. The importance of the study is to examine the effects of Early-Stage Investigators (ESIs) characteristics, contextual factors, as well as institutional contexts that shape their social capital, research productivity, and career persistence.
Randomization of the controlled study will evaluate the effectiveness of a developmental network (DN) informed coaching intervention on the research productivity of ESIs including those from under-represented groups. We will recruit 220 ESIs who commit to submitting at least one NIH grant application within 12 months of completing the grant writing training/coaching. Each cohort will be invited to a 2-day orientation, followed by nine months of grant writing and coaching in the virtual Health Equity Learning Collaboratory (EQ-Collaboratory), culminating with a Mock Study Section and a successful grant submission.
Inclusion criteria for the program is that applicants must be:
- Early Stage or New Investigator (view for new NIH investigator description)
- U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents
NRMN Strategic Empowerment Tailored for Health Equity Investigators (SETH) EQ Learning Collaboratory
The primary goal of the NRMN SETH EQ Collaboratory is to provide opportunities for ongoing virtual interactions while providing health equity and professional development resources to health disparities investigators from a wide variety of institutions including Research Center at Minority Institutions (RCMI), Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) and the Mountain West Clinical Translational Research- Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN). The SETH EQ Collaboratory intends to establish, expand, and or strengthen investigators’ support networks through coordinated opportunities for mentoring, coaching, training and professional development.
The Collaboratory offers resources to investigators along the education/career continuum who are currently participating in, or considering participating in biomedical, clinical, and/or social behavioral research and research-related activities and training. Collaboratory resources include video chatroom, group functionality, private messaging, and access to mentors and mentees across the United States. This resource hub provides relevant content to support the efforts of health disparities investigators.
Health Equity Learning Collaboratory Abbreviations Legend
- NRMN P3:
NRMN Proposal Preparation Program - HD:
Health Disparities - PD:
Professional Development - UAB:
University of Alabama at Birmingham - HELI:
Health Equity Lecture Institute - UPR:
University of Puerto Rico - NRMN-CAN:
NRMN Committee on Institutional Cooperation Academic Network
National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Team
Elizabeth Ofili, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Contact Principal Investigator for FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center
Jonathan K. Stiles, PhD
Associate Director and Southeast Training Hub co-Chair
Priscilla E. Pemu MD, MSCR, FACP
Professor and Vice-Chair (Research) Department of Medicine, Associate Dean Clinical Research, Director Clinical Research Center
Alexander Quarshie, MD, MS, FGCPS
Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics, Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Biomedical Informatics Program Director, Director of Informatics/Co-Investigator for FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center, Co-Director of Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (CTSA), Informatics lead, RCMI Data Co-ordinating Center
Winston E. Thompson, PhD, MS
Co-Investigator and Southeast Training Hub Co-Chair, Director Of Research, Obstetrics & Gynecology And Director, Mentoring Academy
Muhammed Y. Idris, PhD
Assistant Professor for Department of Medicine, Data Scientist/Co-Investigator for FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center
Mohamed Mubasher, MA, PhD
Professor of Community Health & Preventive Medicine, Senior Biostatistician/Co-Investigator for FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center
The NRMN SETH (Strategic Empowerment Tailored for Health Equity Investigators) Research Study
Strategic Empowerment Tailored for Health Equity Investigators (SETH) offered by the Research Resources and Outreach Core (RROC) of Morehouse School of Medicine. The Northwestern University grant writing training program provides a structured group sequence focused on refining research proposal writing skills.

First Row: Elizabeth Ofili, MD, MPH; Alexander Quashie, MD, MS; Jonathan Stiles, Ph.D.; Adriana Baez, Ph.D Priscilla Pemu, MD, MS
Second Row: Yulia Strekalova, Ph.D., MS (University of Florida, Coaching Director); Winston Thompson, Ph.D.; Jada Holmes; Maritza Salazar-Campo, Ph.D., MSW
Third Row: Mohamed Mubasher, Ph.D.; Thomas Pearson, MD, Ph.D., MPH; Muhammed Idris, Ph.D.; Lee Caplan, MD, MPH; Jessica Faupel-Badger, Ph.D., MPH (NIH/NCATS)
Morehouse School of Medicine; University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus; University of California, Irvine; University of Florida, Gainesville; National Institutes of Health.