MSM Research Centers and Institutes

Cardiovascular Research Center
The mission of CVRI is to advance cardiovascular medicine by developing an internationally recognized center of excellence for research.

Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance
Through ethical community engagement the collaborative partners of the GCTSA rapidly & efficiently translate scientific discoveries to impact all populations.

National Center for Primary Care
The mission of the NCPC is to promote excellence in community-oriented primary health care and optimal health outcomes for all Americans.

Georgia AIDS Education and Training Center (GA AETC)
The Georgia AIDS Education and Training Center (GA AETC) provides custom-designed training and technical assistance to support, motivate, and educate healthcare clinicians, enabling them to provide quality HIV care.

Clinical Research Center (CRC)
The Clinical Research Center (CRC) provides the infrastructure necessary for our institution’s faculty to conduct clinical research.
Neuroscience Institute
The mission of the NI is to create a supportive and challenging environment for investigation of the functional organization of the nervous system.
Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI)
Major support for the biomedical research infrastructure of MSM is received through the RCMI Program, sponsored by the National Centers for Research Resources.
Prevention Research Center
The goal of the PRC is to achieve local and national health objectives focused on gaining knowledge about solving the nation's obstinate health problems.
Center for Laboratory Animals Resources (CLAR)
Our purpose is to provide animal care services to all research faculty and staff affiliated with any one of the member institutions of the Atlanta University Center.
Center of Excellence on Health Disparities
CEHD was formed in 2002 to serve as a national resource for the reduction and ultimate elimination of health disparities.
Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI)
Our mission is to develop a diverse group of public health leaders and influence policies and practices toward the reduction and elimination of disparities in health.
Southeast Regional Clinicians Network Membership
The Southeast Regional Clinicians Network is led by the National Center for Primary Care at Morehouse School of Medicine and home to 203 FQHCs with over 1700 clinical sites serving over 4 million patients.