Jonathan K. Stiles, PhD
Associate Director and Southeast Training Hub co-Chair
Dr. Stiles has established productive collaborative translational research activities with the National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR) Field Station, Jabalpur, India, the Malaria Branch of CDC in Atlanta as well as The University of Ghana Medical School. Through these collaborations he has initiated and conducted an NIH Fogarty International Center funded exploratory study on Neurological Disorders Associated with Cerebral Malaria in India.
He serves as the Co-Director of the Global Health Fellows Program at MSM which provides an opportunity in global health research training for selected junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and predoctoral scholars. Dr. Stiles leads the Shark Tank professional development program, in the Southeast Training Hub.
He works with Dr. Thompson to align and integrate the SETH Mentoring academy as a key component of the fully functional regional Hub, that will support the following activities:
1) Intense grant writing workshop;
2) Institutional planning workshops
3) Grant writing coaching workshops and Shark Tank implementation.
The regional hub allows the SETH to seamlessly integrate its NRMN recruitment activities with NRMN mentor training, professional development and mentorship networking core activities. Dr. Stiles works to engage the RCMI, IDeA and BUILD mentors, and URM scholars. He also attends weekly SETH team meetings and monthly web and/or phone conferences with the RTRN NRMN team to discuss the Network’s progress and issues that arise.